Kids & Young Entrepreneurs


Children & Young Entrepreneurs

 CHILD -  5 to and inclusive of 13 years of age.

  •   No stall fees if they are part of the Children’s market section     

YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR  - 14 to 18 years of age. 

  • No stall fees if they are operating from a supporting stallholder’s site. If they operate from a secondary site next to the supporting site, they will receive a discount of $5.00. 

                                        No need for membership.

ADULTS  - over 18 years of age

  • The standard stall fee schedule will apply.

Contact for Vendor Inquiries/Booking Support

Please click the button to create a profile and register via our online booking system Convention Force.

Select Category > Children’s Market or Young Entrepreneur when booking >

Important info:

*Children’s/Kids Markets are on the 3rd Saturday of each month.

*Young Entrepreneurs can attend any market date.

*Parent/Adult supervision is required for kids’ market stalls.

  • Children aged between 13-18 years

    Family business gazebos that are operated by children or young adults have the same charge as everybody else and are subject to the same selection process regarding their products. (It is the family's prerogative to decide who in their family man the stall).

    A College or University student with student ID (if applicable) operating a stall on any Saturday, including CMDay, and SELLING PRODUCTS MADE BY THEM OR GROWN BY THEM TO HELP FUND THEIR EDUCATION, pays $25. They don’t have to become a member to get the discount. But they have to still apply in the usual way and what they sell must fit in with our criteria.

    If a child or children has a SECOND gazebo beside their family one to sell products from family business, OR, do face painting etc. There will be a $5 discount.

    If you have any questions, please email the Children’s Market Manager, Donna.

  • Children aged between 5-13 years

    The first Children’s Market for the season will be held on Labour Weekend Saturday, 21st October.

    Then every 3rd Saturday until further notice. They will not be held on very wet days. Stallholders will be notified.

    Set up is from 10 am till 10.45 am. The Market opens at 11 am.

    We recommend you have a cash float.

    The application must be made on our Convention Force Booking Portal, under the category of Children's Market. The required agreement must be ticked before your application will be accepted.

    Two categories:

    Primary School, who must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and Young Entrepreneurs - 13 - 18 years of age

    The Market is outdoors. Stall spaces are free.

    We will provide covered tables under a gazebo which we will put up. Each table will be shared, and divided into spaces of 900 x 600, Please advise if you have enough product to fill more than one space.

    The cover will be black. You are welcome to put another covering over the top of it and bring a fold-up chair if you want it, plus a cushion for very little people.

    You are also welcome to bring your own little table and chair if that will work better for you.

    You can sell anything you like, but first preference will be given to children who have made, baked or grown something themselves. Selling produce from their gardens is also very welcome.

    If you have any questions, please email the Children’s Market Manager.